Bangalore to Tirupati Distance: The total distance between the two cities is 248 km and can easily be covered by car.
Bangalore to Tirupati by Car:
If you are fond of taking road trips, you will definitely like the drive from Bangalore to Tirupati along the NH4 route. The total time for Bangalore to Tirupati by road would take approximately 6 hours. Hence schedule for a food stop in between and do not forget o carry water bottles and some snacks for the road. Simply begin from Bangalore and drive for around 24 km till you hit National Highway number 4. From here follow the old Madras Road that passes through Hosakote and keep driving for another 41 km.
As you keep continuing on NH4, you will pass through Mugabala, Narasapura and Kolar in the next 110 km. keep driving straight along this route and once you cross Mulbagal you will enter the city limits of Chittoor. The approximate distance between Chittoor and Bangalore is 173 km. You can halt here for some food or simply to stretch your legs before proceeding along the NH-18 route.
From Chittoor take the NH-18 route towards Puralapattu that lies at a distance of 19 km from it. As you take a right turn from Puralapattu, you will arrive at Chandragiri after driving for a total distance of 36 km. From here take a left turn along NH-18 and continue along the road to reach Tirupati after a 15 km long drive. It is recommended that you consider booking long distance bus tickets on "Air Conditioned Volvo buses" operated by all operators as the quality of the other buses vary significantly. Bus tickets are easily available online. One can plan trip and do online bus booking online in advance. Online bus ticket is an easy process which can save your time and price.bus from delhi to agrabus from delhi to chandigarh
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